Friday, March 19, 2010

Is that my conscience?!?


It used to be a foreign concept…not after reading ‘Eating Animals’ by Jonathan Safran Foer. I am genuinely freaked out and on a meat sabbatical. Do you know that 99% of the meat consumed in the US is factory farmed…only 1% is farmed by family-run businesses! To put it into perspective, wiki defines it as

"Factory farming is the practice of raising livestock in confinement at high stocking density, where a farm operates as a factory — a practice typical in industrial farming"

So think thousands of chickens stocked high on top of one another in cages the size of their bodies or pigs and cows squeezed tight together with no space to move…so basically they live in their excrements, eat in the same place and don’t get to see the light of day…literally! It’s a cruel, cruel practise and has sent my world topsy-turvy! If you knew me, you’d know that a medium-rare fillet is my choice off of any menu…not anymore!

Another frightening fact – in our lifetime, we will see the eradication of the seas’ populations! Yes, you read correctly…due to the methods and frequency of commercial fishing, thousands and thousands of animals are dying at the expense of our want to eat seafood. I’ll be honest, I can’t give up both seafood and meat, one at a time, but the thought of eating seafood is turning my conscience into a battle zone! Tuna fishing is the number one cause of the near extinction of 145 species in the ocean…you can include the different species of dolphin, whale, shark, turtle, rays, fish, gulls and sea horses into that equation – they’re all facing the chop!

And it’s all because our taste buds are tickled at the thought of say sushi…or…even Friday night fish ‘n chips!

Do yourselves a favour…read this book…it’ll blow you away with facts that are unimaginable, and honesty that will send you reeling with shame and disgust at the way we live! Surely some day, at some point, karma will bite us in the arse – a scary notion to say the least!

It’s ironic that we’re celebrating ‘Human Rights Day’ on Monday 21 March 2010 yet can’t even take the time to point the finger at ourselves and acknowledge the cruelty that we’re inflicting on nature!

On a lighter note:

Change is in the air…work…hair…the distance I run…eating habits (as per the above)…an exciting and scary notion indeed!

I got hit on the other day…he was cute…a 7.5/10…he asked me if I wanted a stuk of his wors (in reference to dry wors)…that’s a new one for the books!

Enjoy the weekend y’ safe and think twice about what you’re eating!


Piss: being the typical hypocrite that I am...sushi is on the menu for tonight! *But I won't enjoy it like I've done so previously...bugger*

1 comment:

  1. Maybe just stick to the salmon roses avoid the tuna California rolls?
