The vibe, the people, the colours, the noises, the t-shirts and the car kits are just everywhere you look and nobody is holding back...I mean nobody! I reckon people must be just about bowled over by the enthusiasm and patriotism the locals are displaying and the foreigners are putzing in excitement - South Africa you have made us proud and boy oh boy are the next few weeks going to be a madfest! I am practically bankrupt just thinking about all the alcohol and jols (*parties*) we're going to be having!
And...I have blown the vuvuzela so many times this week I have become a pro at blowing, so to speak! All the spit and slobber is totally under control...this has made me very happy indeed...*back to basics...tick*! Now all I need to do is find me a foreigner...*just kidding*! My father would smack me silly if he knew I spoke such dirty words!
Honestly though, it's just an amazing time to be home and to take in the atmosphere that has just consumed the thoughts, actions and days of locals - I wish everyone could experience it!
Tomorrow's events are bubbling over with gees:
At lunchtime we're all heading on over to Fireman's Arms for the Opening Ceremony and to watch Bafana Bafana kick off the tournament, thereafter a whole bunch of us are heading to the opening game at the Cape Town stadium...France vs. Uruguay and it's going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! God knows how the rest of the evening is going to pan'll be full of geeeeees which is pretty much a given for the next few weeks :)
Check out a few of the 'gees' piccies that have been filtering around this week...enjoy the festivities wherever you are and have a flipping fabulous World Cup...go Bafana Bafana!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Sorry I'm so excited and I'm not even in SA, I keep squealing on everyone's blogs!