16 July 2010
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
Postal Address
Private Bag X447
To Ms BP Sonjica
I write to you in response to the current news article that broke on News24 on Wednesday 15 July 2010.
As a proud South African, I am saddened and angry at this news. I, and I am sure many within the public, are disheartened by the continuous killings of one of Africa’s greatest species and we continue to see NO ACTION taken by the relative authorities. How can we celebrate the resounding success of the 2010 FIFA World Cup and be proud of our country when these senseless, money-driven acts continue to deplete the rhinoceros population? We continue to promote our country on the backdrop of safari adventures and in providing tourists with the unique opportunity of being up close with one of the Africa’s giants, yet we do nothing to create awareness around poaching, or at least not enough awareness that will aid in decreasing their untimely deaths.
Why do you not educate people, why do you not ensure that stricter measures are taken against poachers who have been caught – more importantly, why have you not responded to these killings and provided more skilled rangers who are equipped to fight poaching? How come you continue to hold your job title in a department that should be protecting these animals rather than turning a blind eye to their demise? It is unacceptable that this has been allowed to continue and as South Africans, we should all be ashamed of ourselves for not caring enough to put a stop to this. It is shameful that we promote ourselves through referencing these animals yet we do nothing to protect or ensure their survival!
Over the last year, 126 rhino have been murdered for their horn, a commodity that is exported to Asia for archaic medicinal purposes – medicine? Do you not think that this is a bizarre alternative to the survival of this species; so bizarre that you should be using all of your resources to ensure that the rhinoceros species does not become extinct? The female rhinoceros that was killed on Tuesday was still suckling her calf, she was not dead when those inhumane pigs sawed her horn off, she probably died of shock and her calf was left to fend for itself. Does this not have an impact on the emotional capacity of your soul, do you not care that this senseless murder was done in vain and was completely unnecessary? If so, why are you not making a change and why do we continue to hear new stories each week of more rhino being killed?
As a lover of animals, and someone who is proud of her heritage, I ask you ‘what are your action plans in fighting poaching and what do you intend on doing about it to ensure the survival of this species’? Surely there must be an action plan that you are obligated to share with the public? I implore you to make a stand and to create change, you have the backing of thousands of people who care about these animals and who want to continue watching them survive in the wild; their home where they can reproduce and continue to provide a unique opportunity to admire and appreciate that which is only inherent to us as South Africans.
It is time to put a stop to this, before it’s too late.
AGREED! Well written!