Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Barrack Obama said...

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek!

If you could change 5 things…whatever they may be…what would you choose?!?
1)   Humanity – as much as this may sound like a cliché I highly doubt many people think about this what with their rat race lives and the constant speed race that we find ourselves in…*I don’t know about you but I’m horrified that Christmas is a few weeks away!* Over the last few months I have become emotionally infuriated, frustrated and saddened by people and the things they do…or don’t do! I wish upon stars and cross all fingers and toes hoping that one day you and me will stand up against what has become acceptable in society and play the modern day role of activist to help ‘change’ along it’s way. People are money-driven and selfish, governments are draconian and greedy and all the while we are ignoring the most important things in our lives, turning a blind eye to what we have told ourselves to believe is ‘too difficult to change’ or worse‘it doesn’t involve me’! The fact that we’re (most of us) healthy and alive, that we are surrounded by our loved ones, that we’re lucky to have had an education and accomplished personal goals, and (very close to my heart) that we’re here to share and explore an environment with magnificent wildlife are tantamount to finding your passion in life, promoting awareness and initiating change! You can…that’s all that is important! I would love to change people’s perceptions and see humanity make the world a better place for humans and animals alike!

2)   Our government…no really I would! I wish that the ANC today was as instrumental as they were back in the hey day when Madiba was our President. I was proud of our government…I was proud to be a South African…today, not so much! What with incompetency, lack of service delivery, corruption, fraud and generally the injustice of the people of South Africa, I resent the current leaders in office! What happened to leading by example, to democracy (a Utopian concept by all arguments) and to providing equality to all South African people no matter race, gender or your bank balance?!? What with all this Media Freedom, protection of the Information Act mumbo jumbo, that bafoon Julius Malema and his moronic chirps to R29m fraud in local government in the Eastern Cape…I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel! It’s all so depressing…I want to escape!

3)   Taxes…I loathe and despise being taxed (especially when I hear it’s going into the back pockets of fat cats and its cronies!). I hate seeing all my hard earned money sucked out of my reach…the shoes, the pretty floral dresses and the rest of the delicious wines that I could not get my hands onto! Argh…*the disappointment! Come pay day I feel like a deflated balloon hanging in the balance what with a smidgen of air to keep me afloat! What a horrible, sad little image!

4)   Visits to the dentist! Last week I visited *Mr Hot Dentist and had to force my eyes closed while he drilled, fiddled about and fixed the insides of my mouth! This was a problem what with spit, drooling, a fighting tongue, wide open mouth and lips stretched to all corners...it left me perplexed and unsure as to how I would deliver a flirtacious line in said unfortunate situation! How?!? I guess, come my second dreaded visit in the next 2 weeks, I’ll have to flutter my eyelashes all Betty-Boo like in hope that I’ll attract his ‘wondering eye’  while he's drilling away in my mouth! **Pity he’s married…humpf!

5)   The Cadbury Ostrich ad – I don’t get it and it annoys me…has the penny dropped for any of y’all and do you get the point of this ridiculous piece of advertising?!? *Bizarre!
Wonder what's ahead of tomorrow's wishful thinking?!? What would you change?!?
Over and out y'all!

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