Thursday, October 28, 2010

Some lendin' and some lovin'...

Doin' a bit more lendin' today...I love me my daily dose of 'Being Brazen'...and after replying to her blog post, thought I'd let y'all know as well!

Why not, eh?!?

1. Today I feel...slightly drunk! Quick jug-o-margarita at Fat Cactus for lunch has sent me tipsy and wanting to either go straight to bed or right back to the Cactus for rounds 2, 3 and 10!

2. Last night I...watched 'My sister's keeper' again...and cried, again!

3. What's the best thing that happened this week? I was told that my company would give me an extended leave of absence so that I may go backpacking through South America for 3 months from Dec onwards...totally shocked and surprised, extremely happy as well cos I like my life and don't want to see it change while away!

4. Right now I would really write, write and write some more! I want to write for a living, publish children's books, fun, fearless, female columns and just know that I'm super happy doing what I love most! Come to think of it, I'd also like to be kerfooflin with a super hot gentleman stranger Argentinian tango-dancing polo-playing sex machine...mmm...soon, perhaps?!?

5. Describe yourself in one word, quote or lyric: "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!" - Patrick Swayze a la Dirty Dancing...I don't shut up, don't listen to people and certainly do not like being the one in the corner! Bring on the shexy time dancing with studs like Johnny Castle! *am already singing along to...'Had the time of my life!' accompanied by smoothe moves and wiggling hips!

6. Do you dress up for halloween? Gawd no...not my thing although I do like to will be celebrating halloween :)

*goodie...that was fun! Now, if only I could wash this down with a bit of margarita mix, the day would be way more fun!
Rock the funbus y'all and have a margie while doing so :)
Over & out


  1. What??? Are you kidding me??? Extended leave of absence??? Bloody hell you're lucky. I'm dying to go to South/Latin America. Would love to go to Belize, Mexico, Cuba and Ecuador. Where are you planning on going?

  2. Hey Sid...yay, someone approves! Well, the leave thing is still being negotiated but I'm holding all thumbs and crossing all toes - it's been agreed but timelines are now being discussed! Well, the trip starts in Peru and we head to Cusco, do the Inca trail and hang out there for a while...head to La Paz potentially and do the Salt Lakes...ideas are Amazon Basin in Bolivia, Argentina wine regions, Buenos Aires, Iguaza Falls, some of Brazil...Patagonia potentially. It really is luck of the draw and playing it by ear...we want to be carefree and go with the flow so hopefully we get to go to these places but we'll follow the wind :)
