Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monsters and credit cards!

At what stage do you draw the line when faced with one of your worst nightmares…I mean, it’s so bad the world is going to end?!?
Adventure shopping is by all means probably one of the most exciting forms of shopping for an inexperienced, eager little backpacker like myself  BUT when faced with one of my life’s treacherous discoveries , the ‘adventurous’ side of me crawled into a little black hole and wished to be sucked into outer space!
*Enter: 10X hand-sized tarantulas…1m away from my paralyzed body and there was NO hole in sight!
What the f-word where they thinking?!? Why, why would Cape Union Mart serve a platter of reality check when I’m dreaming of matching backpacks and hiking shoes with cute little first aid kits and plastic waterproofing bags?!? I mean, here I’m thinking ‘oh goodie, my 10X lip glossies will fit into that little bag in that pack while my Swiss Army Knife will go nicely in that one over there’ when BHAM…10X tarantulas lay in wait for my unsuspecting phobia.
I know you’re probably sitting there wondering…’how is this chick going to cope in South America on a continent riddled with creepy crawlies?!?’ but this is a question I’ll answer midair across the Atlantic Ocean…not while at the ready to swipe credit cards.
Unfortunately, the salesman took the brunt of my fear and was bombarded with ‘what the f-word do you have these here for, are you out of your…why…what…when…but I was here the other day…*can’t breathe, struggling to think blah blah blah’…you get the picture.
Bless his checkered shirt he handled it like the jungle man that he is and directed me in the opposite direction of the 8-eyed evil monsters of doom. Smart move…he had me eating out of his hands what with the sleeping bags, rad backpacks and funky outdoorsy things that I need! Perhaps a stupid move on my part, a few thousands of ronds later, I was yet again the happy little adventurous shopaholic I once was…having lived on the ‘wild side’ for just those few moments, I now realise that I have a rather large problem ahead of me.
Wonder if the jungle man would fit into my backpack…he could be a useful ‘tool’ in hair-raising situations!
Am still baffled that Cape Union Mart would do that to customers…scare them into oblivion and have their little worker bees pounce on money-spending, phobia-ridden freaks. They have quite obviously stepped up the sales game…*sneaky little puff adders!
And so the pre journey continues...tickets are being booked this weekend, gear is being bought and celebrations will be had! I am drenched in excitement...I cannot begin to describe it!
Over and out y'all!

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