Thursday, February 18, 2010

I should’ve failed my driver’s!

I literally listen to Gareth Cliff…I don’t just listen to him but I actually respond like a robot to a control and I am completely oblivious to my automated ways!

A few weeks ago, I was merrily driving to work in the Cape Town morning traffic and was happily listening away to Gareth Cliff and his phone calls when I decided to literally follow orders barked out at me and caused a teeny tiny car accident…which actually hurt :(

*karma’s a bitch*

This is how it went…

Random woman calling in to 5fm: Hi Gareth…blah blah blah…something about clutch control…har har har!
Gareth ‘God’ Cliff: People out there…if you want to have a bit of fun while you’re sitting in the traffic then I suggest you brake with your left foot…*insert VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT I WAS QUICK TO IGNORE i.e. don’t do this in the actual traffic but at home without any other cars around*…

KaB: *oh, let me try that for fun!*

#&*SCREECH…SCRATCH*#!...BLEEP…(insert many swear words like…FUCK SAKES…Jissie jirre vok)…BOOM #@!*BANG!


And that was that…of course I’d not have braked with my left foot had I known I WOULD LITERALLY SLAM ON BRAKES AND COME TO A COMPLETE STOP DEAD CENTER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! The poor guy behind me slammed right into the back of my car and knocked my poor little Yaris to kingdom come…all R15 000 of it!

Being a complete idiot I responded to the other driver’s concerns with an…“it’s all my fault…oh my gosh…I’m so sorry…I don’t know what else to say other than a spider ran across the windscreen and I got such a fright!”

FAIL! First off, what a lame excuse to cause an accident *woes* and secondly, when do you willing put up your hand and state that it’s all your fault…that’s ‘How not to deal with a car accident 101’!

Needless to say…I shat on Gareth Cliff the very next day and told him where to spend his salary this month and also received the great news that the other driver’s insurance company would be footing the bill and my excess!

Sis but I’ll gladly accept…after all…it was Gareth’s fault and not mine!


1 comment:

  1. lol! I would have loved to be a spider on your windscreen to see that. LAUGHING at you!
