Thursday, July 8, 2010

**DIY tools go on SALE**

So, after many a celebratory high-5, baby-5, double-5, jumping up and down in the air waving the Spanish flag and clutching of fists (you get the picture, super happy for Spain after their clash with ze Germans?!?) I left the humble abode of a friend's place and descended upon my parental unit who were themselves celebratory *well, dad was already passed out in bed* and winding down from a rather stupendously  brilliant Spanish footwork (oh, I'm sorry...should I shut up about that now...*cough*!). Mommy dearest then took the opportunity to get me all flustered and excited about a certain purchase, only to then bring me crushing down to hillbillyhood!

Moo: sweetie pie, I have such a great idea for you re: buying something for your house!
KaB: *oh goodie, goodie, goodie gumpdrops* me, show me! *At this point you can imagine me jumping up and down like an excited 10 year old who's on the brink of getting her very own Ultrahair Barbie...yes I got one of those way back when*
Moo: well, just before I show you what it is remember you'll need one of these and without a man around the house and your dad a few minutes up the road, it will make your life much easier!
KaB: *desperately trying to figure out what she's on about...what could it be?!?* Gee, thanks mom for reminding me that I'm 1X minus my very own sex slave *cough I mean boyfriend*! So what is this "mystery" purchase you speak so matter of a fact about?!?
Moo: okay, well I think you should really consider buying yourself this (see image below)

KaB: *a drill...mmm...she could be onto something here, self-controlled, different sized-bits to suit all moods...wonder if Women with Toys knows about this breakthrough...ROFL* Mommy, are you serious?!? What the fuck am I going to do with a drill...I hate that type of DIY, you know I need my very own handyman...if not for this, for other more important, bedroom satisfying jobs...**hope that thing is battery operated!**

Seriously, she then continued to point out the difference in cost between the Drill Set *imagine my eagerness* and the Drill alone! Imagine, she actually thought I'd be drilling holes in walls and measuring meterage and centimeters of thingies that people do to put walls up...I can't even measure a double shot properly, how the hell would I cope with this?!?

I think I'll stick to finding my very own DIY man...wherever he may be! Pity he doesn't come onsale!

Over and out y'all!


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