Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Climbing my way through the 'fun house'!

I went rock climbing last night…well ‘City Rock’ climbing that is!

Basically, it’s a whole bunch of climbing walls, clickety clips stuck in the wall, really really long ropes and extremely high ceilings. In other words, it’s an adventure! Just be sure you take along a friendly friend, someone who I hope you can trust…*thank you Miss M*…because they’re in charge of your rope and the inevitable connection you have with the floor from way up skywards! Each wall is marked with different levels and routes so you can really put your strength, technique and eagerness to the test. It’s amazing though…it’s like climbing the rainbow wall of wonderment…aka the liquorice all sorts of climbing walls!

To say that I thought I had an ounce of strength in my upper body is ridiculous.

I had none!

I could barely make it up the one wall! And it was only my second try! I was so buggered that my arms are now ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ in masochistic pain while I contemplate my very next journey to the liquorice all sorts wall. Not only am I looking forward to strapping up and climbing up but the talent is most appreciated as well.

It’s the girl’s meat market…and if you’re hungry for some meat then this definitely is the place to find yourself at! Men…there are ample men strapping up, clicking up, roping up and climbing up of walls! And they’re hot…with their beautifully designed muscles, muscle-stacked arms and hard worked hands…I could only dream of being a wall all night last night!

City Rock definitely is the ‘House of Fun!’…and far too much of it...wowwowwowwee!

Mmm…the evening’s adventures were calmed down by a relaxing Ashtanga Yoga class which was, to say the least, so flipping sore and difficult it made the climbing look like a walk in the park! Most enjoyable and very soothing for the soul!

Perhaps I’ll join this fantastic place and make a go at it...instead of climbing my own mental walls, this could be the alternative to revamping things up and making it a bit know, shaking things up and havin' a bit of fun now and then...with a mountaineer...*wink, wink*. At least he'll have the gear to funk things up in the bedroom...or outside, depending on his grip!

Over and out y’all!


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