Monday, October 11, 2010

This weekend...

1. Was a yummy weekend full of delicious, scrumpdiliumptious was the sister's bday and we went to this little gem of a restaurant 'Gaatijie' in Paternoster...ohemgee deliciously tantalising, mouth-watering foodies! Goodness gracious! Home-made Sheperd's Pie for cold, wintery weather yummies made Sunday's curling on the couch even better!
2. I saw two pigs going at a bush pub called 'Varkvlakgat' along the West Coast Road...very interesting and extremely amusing when piddled and in a car full of inebriated peoples!
3. I watched the latest Grey's Anatomy right out of the US...*brilliant, it's all I'm going to say!
4. I saw my long-last friend who was stolen by the Australians...*criminals* oldest friend finally came home to pay tribute to the mountain, dude! More great food, even greater margaritas and fantastic company! I look forward to our wine 'tour' (the posh version of 'piss up') on Wednesday :)
5. Sported sunshiney, happy, summery weather on Saturday *gorgeous* and seriously cold, pissing with rain, howling wind, dark and psychotic storms all of Sunday and into Monday. *I cuddled the pillow for comfort*. It was nice!
6. Province beat the Pilchards aka the Sharks! *Sigh*...what a fantastic result :)

Forward march to the weekend everyone...hup-hup!

Over & out



  1. post some photos of the saturday shindig!

  2. Goodness...there are gazillions! But none of Graham...they'll come from Wednesday's vrot grape tasting :) nom, nom!!! Oh...and guess who is engaged...Lauren!
